We live in a time in which there are many self-proclaimed prophets. You only have to go on social media to find them. In a time when there are many false prophets and false prophecies, we need a new generation of prophets and prophetic people who are humble and teachable, walk in integrity, are emotionally healthy, and have a strong biblical and theological foundation. If this is you, then I invite you to join my prophetic mentorship program.
Justin Long is your leader and mentor. He travels the nations as a prophet preaching, teaching and ministering in churches, conferences, ministry schools. For the last six years he has been based in Europe and has been serving in several churches helping them establish healthy biblical prophetic cultures. He is known not only for his prophetic accuracy but also for his humility and integrity.
The Goal
The goal of the Online Prophetic Mentorship is to establish a healthy and mature prophetic culture in the nations by helping prophets and prophetic people grow in their character, gift, and theology so that they find their place of service in and outside of the church.
Who's it for?
People who long to grow in humility, integrity, and accuracy in using their prophetic gift. This mentorship is for those who want to walk in emotional health and who desire to be rooted and grounded in a strong biblical and theological framework as it relates to the prophetic ministry.

Subjects Covered?
Here is a list of some of the subjects that will be covered;
Visual vs. verbal revelation
Discerning between soul and spirit
Testing and weighing prophetic words
Prophetic protocol
Prophets vs the gift of prophecy
True prophets vs False prophets
Prophetic foretelling vs Prophetic Forth-telling
Partnering with prophetic words
What to expect?
We'll meet three times a month online.
Once a month Justin will be teaching on the prophetic to help you to grow in your vision about the prophetic ministry and it's relationship to the Kingdom of God.
Once a month there will be an online prophetic activation session to help you gain experience and confidence in your prophesying.
The opportunity to grow by being part of a prophetic community.
When does it start?
Registration closes 31 August 2024.
420 euros per year or 105 euros per quarter.
Participation for a minimum of 1 year, starting September 2024 and ending August 2025.
Fill in the form below. You will receive a notification if your application has been accepted. The closing date for applications is 31 August 2024.